There are a great many issues and problems my clients see me about, and I am happy to say hypnosis is more often than not the approach they feel they should have tried years ago!​ Whether psychological, emotional or physical in nature, hypnosis can help, as all three can be and usually are related and affect one another at various levels. It is my job to unravel the often complex relationship between what a person thinks and feels and bring them relief by resetting them to their original natural selves. 

Often, a client will call for a consultation with a specific complaint, and as we explore the situation together we find the issue is actually something else in the background of the persons past which is actually feeding the problem. I can then turn off that source and the other problem(s) fade away as they are no longer being fuelled by it.

Some of the areas I work on are: anxiety, stress, pain, headaches, weight, smoking, phobias, memory, concentration, insomnia, work/academic and sports performance, and any bad habit.

The stresses and strains attached to illnesses are often almost as bad as the illness itself and over time become a very big component of the disease. The focus and rumination about the circumstance very often makes the situation all the worse. I can help considerably in alleviating the negativity surrounding it and give the patient a better chance to focus their energy on getting better..

I do not offer psychotherapy services

​​Almost 25 years ago I received a serious injury in a hockey game which led me on a 5 year long search for relief of the intractable pain. I saw a dozen specialists, tried just as many types of treatments and tests including 2 trips to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota all to no avail. The pain was as severe as ever and had taken over all aspects of my life!

One day a friend suggested hypnotherapy as one of his work colleagues had stopped smoking that way. I thought, "why not?" and arranged a session. Unbelievable as it seemed at the time, it worked and I have not had any pain to this day. Hypnosis literally saved my life!

​​​​​​The more I studied the more evident it became that everyone should know about this incredible treatment method.

Hypnosis has also rid me of fears of elevators (claustrophobia), flying (aerophobia) and water (aquaphobia) and can do the same for you quickly and easily. ​